The MRGO Must Go Coalition was founded in 2006 in response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The Coalition’s mission is to ensure that the wetlands affected by the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO) are carefully restored in a timely manner. The MRGO Must Go Coalition includes 17 local and national environmental, social justice and community organizations.

American Rivers • Citizens Against Widening the Industrial Canal • Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana • Environmental Defense Fund • Global Green • Gulf Restoration Network •Holy Cross Neighborhood Association • Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation • • Louisiana Environmental Action Network • Louisiana Wildlife Federation • Lower Mississippi Riverkeeper • Lower Ninth Ward Center for Sustainable Engagement and Development • MQVN Community Development Corporation • National Audubon Society • National Wildlife Federation • Sierra Club-Delta Chapter
Since its inception, the Coalition has served as a liaison between the communities in Orleans and St. Bernard parishes and the US Army Corps of Engineers and other government agencies. The vast organizational resources and expertise provided by the member organizations allow the Coalition to make informed policy and scientific recommendations on the restoration of the ecosystem impacted by the MRGO.